“Lost in love: stage of confusion and uncertainty when it comes to feelings towards someone, or some wine.”

GPS or Google map wouldn’t help very much in this case.  Hopefully our site-map below could help you find your way to a more wonderful wine-love-affair.

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Well, this is home you’ll find our newest posts right here.

If you’re drooling over those mouth-watering dishes on our Top Gallery Banner and want more of them. Hover over the ATTRACTION tab,  you’ll find them under AFFECTION page.

What about the Slide-Show right below it? Also hover over the ATTRACTION tab, click on FLIRTING.


ATTRACTION -If food and wine culture is starting to capture your attention, this is the page for you.  We break them down into categories.

FLIRTING –we share some of our favorite articles.

AFFECTION –this is our wine and food paradise, featuring stunning professional food photography. With simple dishes or pairings, these short articles you can “gourmet-ify” your everyday dinner in no time.

WINE REVIEWS -reviews on any wines that we got our hands onto.


LOVE AFFAIR – We are featuring more serious articles and posts on wine, tasting technique, intricate wine-food parings etc; we also take the liberty of breaking them down to 3 different levels:

1st FALLING -some of these articles derived directly from materials we use to train restaurant/bar serving staff

2nd HEAD OVER HEELS -This is your official Napa Valley Snob starter kit. Articles will feature more details and tasting technique, flavor profiles, growing regions, some simple food parings techniques.

3rd OBSESSIVE -Point of no-return, you are a wine connoisseur indeed. You’ll be able to carry on wine conversation for days.  Food and wine parings become somewhat second nature to you as we explore more into terroirs and what influence they have on wines from region to region, we’ll discuss blind tastings, smaller wine regions of the world and how their food and wine culture ties in together.

LOVE NOTES – Similar to LOVE AFFAIR, but instead of by levels of experience, they are organized them by their categories.

NEED TO KNOW -Random but important tributes to wines and everything about it.

APPELLATION -If you like to travel, you’ll like this, we’ll dive into the world of wine by tasting through important wine regions (appellations) of the world.

NOSE and TASTE -Articles and posts that will have you taste wine at a whole new level in no time.

WINE and FOOD PARINGS -The match-maker, explore how wine and good could be so good for each other.

INDUSTRY SPECIFICS -Looking at the world of wine and food from a different perspective.

ABOUT US -just like you, we love wine and food. Allow us to introduce ourselves, after all, we together fall victim to our own taste-buds.

CONTACT -we would love to hear from you, please drop us a line, throw in a comment.  Please share our posts with friends, let’s trigger their culinary instinct so that they’ll cook this weekend and share with you an expensive bottle of wine.

BOTTOM MENUS (VISIBLE ON DESKTOP MODE) to ensure a quality experience, we also had all of our posts categorized into 4 Menus.  They are really simple to navigate, making it that much easier to fall in love with Wine and Food Living.

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