Bonjour Cedric,
Thank you for your comment. I would love to meet you, however, I am currently out of town in the U.S East Coast visiting wineries here in the area. I won’t be back to town until next week. I will send you an email, perhaps, we can connect then.
Bonjour Cedric,
Thank you for your comment. I would love to meet you, however, I am currently out of town in the U.S East Coast visiting wineries here in the area. I won’t be back to town until next week. I will send you an email, perhaps, we can connect then.
Again, thank you!
I absolutely like your web site !
I am from France, my family works in Wine and i am in San Francisco until the 21st. It would be a pleasure for me to meet you ! Let me know …
Best regards,
Cédric Caldo